Friday, October 26, 2018

Quick not about flying tonight at Teeland

Hi Gang,
Teeland just informed me that there are games going on most of the day in the gym and it may run over a bit into our time.  We will still fly tonight but we may have a late start.
See ya tonight,

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Flying Tomorrow Night at Teeland

Hi Gang,
We are on for some fun flying tomorrow night at the Teeland Gym from 6-9pm.  So get those batteries charged and flying machines ready!
Hope to see you all tomorrow night,

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Flying this Friday Night at Teeland

Hi Gang,
Looks like we are going to have a fun evening at Teeland this Friday night.  We have the Gym from 6pm to 9pm. Oh, BTW, the school called an electrican and he got the big curtain up so we can have the whole gym to fly in again.  TaDa.........
Looking down the road a bit we have a few no fly dates as follows: 11/9/18, 12/28/18, 1/4/19, so put these dates on your calendar. 
Looking forward to seeing everybody tomorrow night,

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Flying at Teeland this Friday Night!

Hi Gang,
Wow, the Scale Contest was a blast.  Everybody had a lotta fun.  Hats off to Don Meyer for being the CD and everybody that participated.
We will be flying this Friday night at Teeland.  Also, we will have a quick club meeting around 7pm to discuss some new stuff and some old stuff.  Please be there if you can.
See ya Friday night,

Friday, October 5, 2018

Quick Reminder. Scale contest tonight at Teeland

Hi Gang,
Just a quick reminder of the scale contest tonight at Teeland.  Make sure everything is ready and your batteries are charged.
Also, as I was walking through the kitchen a few minutes ago I noticed some fixings that hinted of fresh brownies being made.  Hmmmm.......  My guess is that these brownies just may show up at the meet tonight.  Yum..Yum...
See ya tonight for some good fun and maybe some good eating,

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Scale Contest at Teeland This Friday Night!

Hi Gang,
Well, finally the long awaited indoor scale contest will be held this Friday night.  Pilots should be there a bit before 6pm if you can so you'll have time to get ready.  Don Meyer will be the CD.  If you have any questions please call Don @ (907) 242-3915.
Don't worry if you are not in the contest because after the contest there will be lots of fun free flying, so be there!
Looking forward to seeing everybody on Friday night,